Annalisa Parent, CEO of Laurel Elite Books, has spoken to thousands about the importance of quality writing to book sales and success.
Welcome to Laurel Elite Books
If you want to seem like an expert, you’re in the wrong place.
If you want to be an expert, keep reading.
So many of the entrepreneurs I meet have heard “You need a book.” The statement is true enough, but it’s only partially true.
If you want to be seen as a true expert, you need a good book.
What’s a good book? One that engages your audience, filters the right clients from the wrong ones, and establishes your brand in the marketplace.
How do you get that book?
Well, that’s a bit more complicated.
Many entrepreneurs write on a regular basis: blogs, memos, white pages. Most entrepreneurs have an idea how to convey a clear message and convey a basic call to action.
But, folks, a memo is not a book. A book that draws in clients, that has them on the edge of their seat to get on the phone with you because you, and you alone, are finally the unique solution to their problem, the person they’ve been looking for.
That’s the power of a good book. That’s why the writing matters. (Please stop listening to your business coach who says any book will do. It’s a waste of time and money. Half a cart might get you on the road, but it’s not gonna win you the race.)
Quality writing integrates your expertise, your brand, and your marketing strategy. Quality writing lifts your book above all the noise, noise, noise that’s out there, and is like a quiet oasis of sanity for your potential client.
How do I know? I wrote my own expert book in 2017. The result? The people who read it, and get on the phone with me can’t wait to sign up to work with me. Imagine turning all of the rejection and cold calling into warm and hot leads from now on.
Is that worth the investment of time and money? To make the sales process easy? To make more money? To have more free time?
Believe it or not, not everyone thinks so. I still speak to entrepreneurs who say “Well, I don’t know. The writing doesn’t really matter. Where’s the value?”
You, my savvy friend see the value in addressing the marketing strategy from page one, with succinct clear messaging that gets straight to the heart of what your ideal client wants to hear, right?
Not only does a quality book leverage your business, make you more money and free up more time, some of the side benefits our clients have seen are 100% clarity in their offer and who it’s for, and the confidence to deliver on that product.
More money. More time. More clients. More visibility. Clarity and confidence. Nah, there’s no value in that.
If you’re no fool, and want something exceptional for yourself rather than staying in the murky mire with all the other wannabes with average books, let’s chat.