David Newman of Do It Marketing rocks 7 figures and wants to teach others to do the same.

He asks all of us, “Do you want to make over 6 figures a year? NO a MONTH.”

He spoke with Annalisa to share with YOU how to:

organize & systematize your intellectual property monetize your expertise create authority, credibility, and trust

differentiate yourself from your competitors and other people in your niche separate yourself from the wannabes

increase your lead generation create your domination strategy grow your list

How did David do it? A book.

And not just any book a well-written book that’s sold over 15,000 copies.

Yes, he got some cash in pocket from book sales–about $30,000–but more importantly, David’s book brought in leads totaling half a million dollars. Half a MILLION.

Take a moment to breathe that in.

A book is an “accelerator, an amplifier, a magnifier to what you’re doing in your business,” David says. “

“Think of $125,000 extra in your bank per year JUST BECAUSE you have the book.”

Why does a book make such a big impact? “People read your book and like your book.”

But, David cautions, “it’s not about writing a book: it’s about writing an awesome book. You can’t sell your book through any legitimate means if your book sucks. The recipe for success is not re-purposing your blog. You need a marketing-focused book.”