I Know I Need A Book–But How? 

What kind of book do you need to launch the next phase of your career? This next phase could mean getting on stage and speaking in front of an audience about your business or wanting to scale your business even further–whatever your goal is you need a book to get there. 


Yes, you need a book but what kind of book? Many business people have a common apprehension about writing books. First, they feel that they aren’t really writers (link to “But I’m Not A Writer”). Second, they are worried that they might just waste time that they don’t have in writing a book that might even be the wrong one. 


Many things can go wrong in writing the wrong book–wasted time and effort that leads to frustration. So today, I will walk you step by step through writing the kind of book that you need. 


  1. The book is not about you–it is a book about your client and your relationship to your client. You don’t want to alienate the reader by making them hear “me, me, me.” Instead, what you want is to engage the reader by talking about them. You have to start conversations by talking with your readers. 
  2. Your book must act like your time machine. Many entrepreneurs and business people only have so much time in the day to meet with clients one-on-one over the phone and in person. What you want your book to do is to stand in for yourself even when the 24-hour day is over. Your book can continually engage a thousand people in meaningful dialogue all at once even when you are asleep.
  3. The best expert book weeds out the people you should work with and the people you shouldn’t work with. Your book brings the right people who you can work with to you. Your book reflects the kind of business that you have and naturally will attract people with similar convictions. 


Now, what are the attributes of a quality expert book? Stay tuned for future posts like these. 


If you personally want to talk with me about how you can put together a quality expert book that will scale your business and bring in additional clients and revenue, put yourself right into my calendar. I look forward to chatting with you about your future successes.